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Wang Tao, member of the Standing Committee of Qihe County Committee and head of the Organization Department, and his delegation visited Weiqiao aluminum deep processing Industrial Park in Zouping

On the afternoon of May 20, Wang Tao, member of the Standing Committee of Qihe County Committee and head of the Organization Department, and his delegation came to Weiqiao aluminum deep processing Industrial Park in Zouping city to exchange and inspect the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises. Hu Jincheng, director of Zouping state owned assets center, and Fang Jun, executive deputy director of Weiqiao aluminum deep processing Industrial Park Management Office, received the delegation.


After watching the propaganda film of the park, the delegation visited Wantong metal and Muyi sunshine. During the visit, through in-depth communication with the person in charge of the enterprise, we learned about the development of the enterprise, the growth process and operation mode of the park, and highly recognized the development idea that the Industrial Park changed from "low efficiency idle land" to "high efficiency demonstration field" through "cage for birds". We also agree with the park management office's series of measures, such as operating bank bond financing through service companies, leveraging market capital with state-owned funds, carrying out construction of standard plant projects, and maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets. We also say that since then, it is necessary for both sides to strengthen contact, learn from each other, exchange advanced experience, and achieve common development.


Subsequently, the delegation went to the aluminum Valley Building in Zouping for an exchange and discussion.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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