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How to solve the hot problem of sunshine room in summer? Have you tried these methods?

It's a wonderful thing to build a sunshine room at home. It's fun to drink tea, raise flowers and watch the night sky. But in summer, the sultry problem in the sunshine room bothers many owners. Even if the air conditioner is set to the lowest temperature, it's not very cool. How can we make the sunshine room not hot in summer? These moves can be taught to you!


1. Selection of sunlight room

Most of the sunlight houses on the market are of pure steel structure, with low price and real first-class thermal conductivity. In summer, the sun houses built of pure steel will have more degrees outside and more degrees inside! The structure of sunlight room should be made of materials with high heat preservation and insulation, such as broken bridge aluminum, which is hard and corrosion-resistant. On this basis, broken bridge aluminum also increases the heat preservation and insulation performance, with very high cost performance.


2. Skylight above sunshine room

We all know that the hot air is generally upward. If the air vent is opened above the sunlight room, the heat will run out of the air vent. In addition, we'd better leave more than two to let the outside and inside air circulate mutually to reduce the dry heat.


3. Low-E glass available

The solar house is composed of large area of glass, so the heat insulation is also related to the glass. Low-E glass (low radiation glass) can be used. It is a film product composed of multilayer metal or other compounds plated on the surface of the glass. Compared with ordinary glass, it has excellent heat insulation effect and good light transmittance.


4. Hollow glass with sunshade

In order to have a good sound insulation effect, the sunlight room generally adopts hollow glass. We can add sunshade blinds inside, which can effectively resist the ultraviolet radiation of sunlight to the room and achieve the effect of reducing the room temperature in summer. At the same time, it has good strength and is not easy to be damaged. By adjusting the angle of the louver, the indoor can not only control the angle of the light, but also increase the safety, and the effect of concealment is relatively good.


5. Top mounted with tegowa

Ye Yangde high tile is composed of five layers of structure, which is characterized by heat preservation, heat insulation, waterproof, anticorrosion and beauty. It can block sunlight, but it can also use the combination of high tile and glass to make the top space not lose daylight, but also heat preservation and heat insulation, achieving two goals with one stone.

Sunshine room is hot in summer, but there are more than several ways!

Ye Yang's latest research and development let the sun room not hot in summer skylight companion, quiet cooling window!


Force the hot air out of the sunlight room!

Let the summer in the sunshine room no longer be hot!


Through the special skylight companion of the sunshine room, the indoor temperature of the sunshine room can be quickly reduced, the air and heat energy can be discharged every hour by 600m3, and the air can be converted 20 times every hour.

Skylight companion · silent heat dissipation window adopts porous acrylic material for sound insulation. The acrylic material is air sound insulation material, which can effectively reduce the noise of 30-37 decibels. The porous design can carry out the echo during the sound transmission, effectively reducing the noise of about 20 decibels, so as to achieve the effect of mute.


Yeyang tmall and offline stores, all for sale!

Come and let your sunshine room cool for a summer!

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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