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Welcome to yeyon Sunshine Room Official Website | 400-656-9886
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Poetry, etiquette and national charm

he national Rhyme Series, from the ancient architecture of the past, drew the essence of architectural technology, combined with the modern standards of R & D and production concept, put the wisdom of ancient ancestors into modern technology, forming a very different style but quite charming Chinese sunshine room.

Sunshine room, the architectural concept introduced from Europe, has formed a unique architectural style from generation to generation, which is very popular with modern people. Since the appearance of steel sunshine room, it has gradually evolved into the present appearance in the step-by-step development and evolution, but the appearance is the same.

Ye Yang drew Luban lapping technology from ancient Chinese architecture, combined with the wisdom of ancient sages, to create a sunshine room with Chinese traditional meaning, national Rhyme Series, so as to make it more rich internally, more beautiful in appearance and better in meaning.


address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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