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The skylight companion that makes the sunshine room not hot in summer

Skylight companion, mute cooling window


Ye Yangren always thought about a question, is heat insulation the only way to keep the sunshine room warm? For this reason, we have done a series of experiments, which prove that heat insulation can effectively block the external heat transfer into the interior of the space, but with the increase of the external temperature, the temperature of the interior space will also increase accordingly. For this reason, Ye Yang independently developed the skylight companion · silent heat dissipation window of the sunlight room, which is for heat dissipation.

Our sunshine room has its own heat insulation, but we also add skylight companion and mute cooling window to make the space completely comfortable and cool in summer.


Skylight companion, comfortable mute

At present, the volume of range hood is limited to 65-68db by the state, while the volume of Ye Yang silent cooling window is lower than 45dB, which is equivalent to the sound of refrigerator operation, almost silent.

We put porous acoustic panels in the air layer

Reduce resonance and improve sound insulation of skylight


Skylight companion, effective heat dissipation

Skylight companion · silent cooling window adopts air circulation fan and turbine convection to exhaust indoor warm air heat and air, which can exhaust air and heat about 600m3 every hour; it can convert indoor air about 20 times every hour, making indoor fresh air circulation faster, absorbing the dry heat in the air, leaving fresh fresh fresh air.

Air convection

We use aerodynamics

Skylight companion, extreme light sense

The skylight companion adopts the side light source system, which covers the all-round light source system between the glass gaps. The light source is refracted by the porous sound insulation board, and the indoor space is covered with multiple light reflections, but the light source can not be seen, which is the thousands of adjustment and coordination of sound insulation and light, and a shocking sense of technology and visual feast.

We hope the skylight companion will bring you more than summer

It's cool, and it's light at night.

I have a sunshine room. In summer, I can also enjoy the cool in it. The fresh air circulates, taking away the heat waves. The cool wind comes slowly, bringing cool and comfortable. It is not hot and dry, nor noisy, only comfortable and peaceful.

Who says the sunshine room will be hot in summer? In the sunshine room with skylight companion, the seasons are like spring.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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