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In the hot summer, make your balcony more comfortable!

Summer is coming to us

If summer comes, will winter be far behind

Coming into the hot summer

Many people want to catch the tail of spring

Create a comfortable and comfortable environment for yourself

Since the weather is just fine, please pay more attention to the balcony sunshine room

When watching movies and TV plays, we often envy that we can have breakfast on the balcony in the morning and enjoy the night with red wine and lights in the evening. Such a life will add infinite power to our struggle in the big city!

Now, many people think that the balcony is the space for stacking sundries and drying clothes. In fact, otherwise, taking advantage of the good weather, we should pay more attention to the balcony and build the balcony of the sunshine room, which will instantly improve our family's level!

Mini garden, you can also have your own garden

Most of these delicate plants are afraid of cold in winter. When the balcony is made into a sunlight room, it can not only provide them with a space for winter, but also set up as a miniature garden, which can provide sufficient oxygen and have a good green mood. You can also grow some green vegetables creatively, green and healthy, why not do it!

Change into sunshine teahouse, make life more poetic

After the balcony is made into a sunshine room, you can consider adding a long wooden table and several exquisite tables and chairs. These elements all freeze the Chinese meaning of the tea room. The materials of teahouse are mainly bamboo, wood, rattan, hemp and cloth, which give people a sense of elegant and refined.

Changed to a study, a peaceful and exquisite family office area

House area is small, do not have separate study or work room commonly, in fact a little change, collocation bookcase, desk, recreational chair can "dress up" balcony into a unique elegant sunshine room. Not only can you talk with friends here, when writing tired or stretch body, relax nerve oxygen source rich resting place.

Transformed into children 's room

After the balcony is made into a sunshine room, it can be equipped with such equipment as children's cars and electric toys. Children play in the "children's paradise" and grow up healthy and happy. No matter the spring, summer, autumn and winter, the weather and season change, there is no need to worry that the children do not have enough space to play.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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