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《Q/371.SYYYGF.001-2020》- Congratulations on the formal approval and publicity of yeyon sunshine house enterprise standard!

The enterprise standard is the standard that needs to coordinate and unify the technical requirements, management requirements and work requirements within the scope of the enterprise. It is also the basis for the enterprise to organize production and business activities.

The State encourages enterprises to formulate enterprise standards that are stricter than national or industrial standards.

In this standard, the sunlight room is divided into two parts: the roof and the surrounding doors and windows, and the five performance indexes of wind pressure resistance, air tightness, water tightness, sound insulation and heat preservation are respectively specified. The performance test methods of air tightness, water tightness and wind pressure resistance of building daylighting roof (GB / T 34555), air tightness, water tightness and wind pressure resistance of building curtain wall (GB / T 15227), and air tightness, water tightness and wind pressure resistance of building curtain wall (GB / T 15227) are adopted 29043 classification and test method for thermal insulation performance of building curtain wall, GB / T 8484 classification and test method for thermal insulation performance of building exterior doors and windows, and GB / T 8485 classification and test method for air sound insulation performance of building exterior doors and windows.

At present, there is no aluminum alloy sunshine house or similar product standards in China, and there is a vacuum zone where the quality of aluminum alloy sunshine house cannot be controlled by the state, which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and the market management order.

Yeyang sunshine room is developed and manufactured in accordance with the standards to avoid potential safety hazards for end customers. The technical standards of yeyang aluminum alloy sunshine room are mainly in accordance with GB / T 8478-2008 aluminum alloy doors and windows, JC / T 231-2018 technical requirements for building glass daylighting roofs, JGJ 255-2012 technical specifications for daylighting roofs and metal roofs, GB 50429 - Code for design of aluminum alloy mechanisms, JGJ 102-2013 technical code for glass curtain wall engineering and other relevant standards.

The purpose of formulating enterprise standards is to be responsible for the end customers. Each sunshine room is made in strict accordance with the established standards. Before leaving the factory, each part is tested in strict standards to improve the product quality and ensure that every sunshine room is safe and secure.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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