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Why are aluminum clad doors and windows more expensive than other doors and windows?

At present, the common doors and windows in the market can be divided into three categories according to the materials: aluminum alloy doors and windows, plastic steel doors and windows and aluminum clad wood doors and windows.

And many customers want to choose high-quality aluminum clad wood doors and windows, and feel that the price is high.

So why are aluminum clad doors and windows more expensive than other doors and windows?


The price of aluminum clad wooden windows is much higher than that of aluminum alloy windows and plastic steel windows, but the share of aluminum clad wooden windows in the window market is growing. What makes you willing to spend more money to choose aluminum clad wooden windows?

Why do aluminum clad wooden windows belong to the "Gui" family? Today, Xiaobian takes you to find out!


1、What are aluminum clad doors and windows?

In short, the aluminum clad wooden window is based on the wooden window, which is hung with aluminum materials to make the interior wood and the exterior aluminum harmonious and unified. The interior wood structure is matched with the natural style of the interior decoration. The exterior aluminum structure and the exterior facade of the building complement each other, which strengthens the anti sun, wind, rain and other properties of the pure wood window, and relieves people of all worries about the wooden products.


2. Performance advantages of aluminum clad wood windows

Thermal insulation: compared with aluminum alloy window and plastic steel window, aluminum clad wooden window has outstanding advantages in thermal insulation performance, and aluminum clad wooden window composite frame has stronger thermal insulation performance.

According to the data, the processing energy consumption ratio of aluminum alloy window, plastic steel window and aluminum clad wooden window is 20:8:1, the aluminum alloy window frame comes from non renewable aluminum ore soil, the plastic steel window comes from non renewable oil, because the wood window is a natural life body, the source is renewable wood, as long as it is reasonably exploited, it is an inexhaustible resource.


3, fire prevention

The melting point of aluminum alloy is 650 ℃, even if fire-proof glass is used, the glass will lose its function due to the disintegration of the frame; the melting point of PVC is 120-210 ℃, toxic gas will be generated in case of fire, and plastic steel windows cannot be made into fire-proof windows; the burning point of wood is 250 ℃, but due to its good thermal insulation and carbonization layer formed after combustion, the high temperature will not be transmitted to the other side of non combustion for guidance Start burning other things.


4. Life of aluminum clad wooden window

Plastic steel windows and aluminum alloy windows are mainly prone to damage accessories. Another disadvantage of plastic steel windows is aging. Under the action of UV light, macromolecular chain breaks, making the material surface lose luster, discoloration and pulverization, and the mechanical properties of profiles decline. Plastic steel windows are easy to be heated and deformed, brittle when cold, and have poor stability in size and shape. They are very easy to open, close and expose air and ventilate.

The threshold of aluminum clad wood window industry is high, and the regular manufacturers have large-scale imported processing equipment, such as wood optimal blanking, spraying production line, aluminum CNC cutting production line, etc., with high technology content and high processing accuracy. Most of the raw materials such as wood, hardware, rubber strip are imported, with better quality, so its life is almost as long as the building itself. In Europe, no matter the individual villa houses or some protective buildings, the aluminum clad wooden windows have been used for hundreds of years, although some of them are old, they are still in normal use with flexible switches.


5. Home decoration

Although the color of plastic steel windows and aluminum alloy windows is richer than before, and even can be made to imitate the texture of wood, compared with aluminum clad wood windows, they are cold and rigid, with poor visual and tactile experience. The interior wood of the aluminum clad wooden window room has a natural unique texture, gentle and cordial, which complements the interior solid wood furniture, and meets the psychological needs of modern people to advocate nature and pursue return. Friends who like the wood decoration style will not miss the aluminum clad wooden window.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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