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How can I buy a good sunshine house? Here's the answer!

People who envy or want to try to build their own sunshine room often feel confused when choosing the sunshine room. In order to ensure that they can choose the sunshine room that suits them, consumers need to read more articles related to the Internet. Let's learn the key points and skills of buying a good sunny house!

1. Check whether the manufacturer's technology is professional and excellent, and whether the after-sales service is perfect and guaranteed.

Sunshine room has a high gold content in design, production and installation. More importantly, sunshine room is a product that needs to be maintained, and the manufacturer's after-sales support is particularly important.

2. Check whether the glass has passed the national 3C compulsory safety certification.

Due to the strong wind resistance of the sunlight room, the requirements for glass are very high. Commonly used are toughened glass, hollow glass, Low-E glass and Low-E hollow glass.

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3. See the engineering case of the manufacturer.

The engineering examples that the manufacturer has done are many and few, which are most persuasive. Listen to the user's experience, I think you should be very clear about how to select the sunshine room.

4. Look at the enterprise scale and production qualification.

We can check whether the production capacity and technical force of the enterprise are professional manufacturers, whether they are patented products, whether they have passed the quality management system certification, etc.

5. See the product quality and appearance.

It can carefully observe the technical quality index, color, thickness, finish, materials of various parts, rationality and reliability of structure, and hand feeling of materials, etc.

6 see the workflow.

Professional manufacturer, working process Yan Jin, advanced technology, from the measurement, drawing, signing contracts, etc., there are specially assigned persons in charge.

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7. After sales service.

We can judge whether the enterprise has the ability to provide perfect after-sales service from the aspects of enterprise scale,

production capacity, technical force, whether the large-scale building materials supermarket has a counter, etc. Ye Yang's every sunshine room product, after completion, will use water spray experiment to ensure the quality and comfortable experience of the product. Perfect after-sales service system, to provide you with the most comfortable service

8 see the product price.

According to the industry standard, professional manufacturers adopt high-quality profiles and spare parts, pay attention to product improvement and after-sales service, and the product cost is correspondingly high, so the price is relatively high. However, compared with the service life of the product and the internal quality of the product, the product price is scientific, reasonable and relatively stable

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Due to the high accuracy of the design and construction of sunshine room, the cases in the market are also different. In such a large environment, it is particularly important to choose a professional design and installation company with good reputation, high reputation and excellent service. After all, safety and comfort are the only purpose of our home!

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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