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Tips for cooling the sun room on the roof

Suppose that you create sunshine mainly for planting flowers and grasses in winter, it requires the sunshine room to have good ventilation and proper sunshine. The roof sunshine room should choose plastic steel windows as the surrounding guard, and the glass roof sunshine room with large skylight. The price of this kind of sunshine room is lower, but the indoor temperature is higher in summer, so it needs to be equipped with sunshade.

Nowadays, the toughened glass roof is widely used as the roof building material of the family sunshine room. Because the cost of the toughened glass roof is low, and the daylighting result is super good, but a negative question brought about by the good daylighting of the glass roof sunshine room is that the heat insulation function is poor, and the sunlight can simply be projected into the room, which will make the sunshine room very hot in summer, Fortunately, there are a variety of processing plans, such as film sticking, sunshade placement, or simply purchasing the relatively high cost insulating glass with built-in electric honeycomb curtain as the roof material of the sunshine house.

Intelligent water spraying system, recycling water purification system and direct current water purification system are installed on the top of the sunshine room. The technology of water spraying is adopted to cool it. That is to say, recycling water is used to cool it, so that the low-temperature water can take away the heat of the objects in the sunshine room to cool it. It can also achieve the effect of actively washing the glass top of the sunshine room, and realize the washing work for your sunshine room while cooling it, It's refreshing.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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