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Royal Pavilion: the way of ingenuity

The prosperity of modern city

Driving away the homesickness in the slow time

Nature, sunshine, forest, street

But there are still people who insist

Adhere to careful carving, adhere to the polishing of details

Insist on returning to the origin

I.M. Pei

Academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Civil engineering experts

"Architecture has life. Although it is solidified, it contains humanistic thoughts."


Famous Japanese Knights

Designated intangible culture holder in Tokyo

The first Japanese traditional swordsman

"The blade pattern is so numerous that it can be everything in nature"


Chanel Royal shoemaker

Working with Chanel

For half a century

What these masters have achieved in their field

In people who don't know their field, perhaps nobody knows

But because of their presence

The products related to them have become legends.

This is "the heart of craftsman"

Thousands of processes, the ultimate degree of precision


Tens of thousands of times of grinding, achieving a smooth arc

Inheritance of ingenuity from ancient times to the present

Taking tenon and mortise as inheritance

Carrying the wisdom of modern people

Fusion blessing

To achieve the beauty of imperial Pavilion.


Yeyang sunshine room

Millennium technology essence

Integrating the past and the present

Create visual details of the product

It doesn't need to be based on the real object

What you see is what you get

The imperial Pavilion does not need to be subject to the real object

What you see is what you get

The imperial Pavilion in the garden


Grand atmosphere, but also cleverly blend in the scene

Enjoy the green in your breath

But in the imperial Pavilion

It has a poetic flavor

Seamless mortise and tenon

I can feel the details

The tenon and mortise details are seamless

Strict calculation on data is needed

Thousands of tests

Thousands of times of grinding

Make the concave tenon mortise fit perfectly

It's just like nature

After each process

It is the responsibility, persistence and dedication of Ye Yang craftsman.

Looking at the corner of the Pavilion

It's beautiful and full of details

Behind each free customization

Sculptors portray with life experience

Under the vivid symbol

Hidden ingenuity, focus on persistence

This natural Pavilion

Integrated into the garden

Located outside the high-rise building

Become a corner of nature

Yuting · LAN

The imperial Pavilion does not need to be based on the real object, what you see is what you get

Seamless mortise and tenon details can be felt

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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