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Professional high-end sunshine house manufacturers choose yeyang sunshine house

Functional sunshine house is a high-end sunshine house manufacturer. It can be used in special space, such as reception room, small restaurant, study room or children's recreation room. This type of sunshine room is generally made of wood veneer or pure wood frame, plus multi-layer sunlight board and plastic hollow tempered glass, solid wood or aluminum clad wood doors and windows. If you choose plastic steel windows, the sealing effect will be better than other doors and windows. This type of solar house can be equipped with special ventilation device and shading system, so that its function is more perfect, and it will be more convenient and practical to use in the future.

Sunshine room manufacturers generally change from balcony or terrace to sunshine room, and some villas are covered outside. The space may not be large, but the glass windows are generally large and the light is good. Sunshine room is mainly close to the sun, it will connect the indoor and outdoor space, so we should not only coordinate with the outdoor space, but also keep consistent with the overall style of the living room, to achieve the transitional effect.

High quality sunshine house manufacturers not only meet the basic needs of life, but also bring you fresh air, warm sunshine, and different atmosphere and feelings.

Sunshine house factory construction is also very important. A good professional construction team must have at least one professional leader, more than two employees who have many years of professional production experience of solar house, and have strict management system of construction team. A good construction team must have strict construction requirements. For example, the connection gap between profiles shall not be greater than 2mm, the upper and lower gap of door and window openings shall not be greater than 3mm before gluing, and there shall be no false welding at the welding position. I'll tell you about the fake solder. As for standard units, they are not professionals. Their welding is so bad that they can't stand the test of strong wind. They have to wait for several years. Only strict requirements and standardized production, in order to do a good job in the sun room.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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