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Is the structure of sunshine room strong? How to select materials?

The structure of the sunshine room is generally made of wood veneer or pure wood frame, with multi-layer sunlight board and laminated hollow tempered glass, solid wood or aluminum clad wood doors and windows. Don't worry about the sealing effect, but also can install special ventilation device and sunshade system, make it more functional, more convenient to use.

A completely transparent space doesn't affect the light at all, and you don't need to turn on the lights during the day. At night, it's a different kind of beauty. Looking at the dim light outside, lying on the couch, counting the stars in the night sky, living a comfortable life in the bustling city.

Some people worry that if the wind and rain, such a sunny room will not be very strong? This kind of solar house is made of high-strength light-weight aluminum alloy material and adopts the latest laminated structure. Its principle is similar to the mortise tenon structure of ancient buildings. Its weight is not high, but its strength is very high. It can resist the attack of strong wind of force 10, and is not afraid of the pressure of 100 kg when heavy rain and snow come.

The structure of sunshine room is a good choice for balcony with roof to increase the daylighting as much as possible. The design of this solar room is to use the front and left and right design to increase the daylight of the solar room. In terms of relatively open space, this sunny room is a little crowded, but it uses ingenious furniture, which makes the originally crowded space disorderly.

Chinese style is the most popular underground courtyard sunshine room structure. The top frame is made of wood grain profile, which is more retro. In addition to the rockery, antique wooden tables and chairs, and potted plants that often appear in the sun room of the underground courtyard, people suddenly feel a kind of leisurely clouds and wild cranes, and feel comfortable and happy.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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