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YEYON is invited to participate in 2019 world industrial design conference and International Design Expo

The 2019 world industrial design conference and international design industry expo were held in Yantai, Shandong Province on October 18, 2019. More than 2000 design organizations, institutions, enterprises and institutions from more than 30 countries and regions all over the world participated in the conference. This conference focuses on the achievements of China's industrial design in the upgrading of innovation mode and expansion of innovation field, aiming at the global model Promote the integration of design innovation, economy and society, and promote the design exchange and cooperation between countries and regions.


The Expo is divided into Design University exhibition area, international design exhibition area, design poverty alleviation Rural Revitalization exhibition area, design industry exhibition area and Shandong design exhibition area. There are 114 international design organizations, enterprises and colleges and universities from Germany, Japan, America, Italy, France and other countries and regions in the international exhibition area, including Siemens, Autodesk, GK, etc. the exhibition area for poverty alleviation focuses on industrial design products that have a significant role in promoting poverty alleviation and Rural Revitalization, and the exhibition area for design industry focuses on a series of national heavyweights with representative significance. CIMC raffles, Jerry group, Nanshan Group, Weichai Power, Lovol heavy industry and other Shandong heavyweight enterprises. Huawei, Xiaomi, Tencent, Hisense, Haier and other well-known enterprises also demonstrated their latest design and research products.


YEYON has the honor to be invited to participate in the conference, which is displayed in Zouping exhibition hall of e10-e11. Zouping Exhibition Hall shows the new face of Zouping aluminum industry. World aluminum industry looks at Shandong, and Shandong Aluminum industry looks at Zouping. At the invitation of Zouping Municipal People's government, YEYON participated in the exhibition with T7 non welded integrated window sash (special window for sunshine room), national patent product Luban lap joint developed independently, and double-sided green plant sunshine room system. As an exhibitor, YEYON put the new sunshine room system in front of the world and accepted the review of the world's industrial giants.



address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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