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YEYONwinter garden——YEYON has you, and the future is promising!

On November 18, 2019, yeyon celebrated his ninth birthday. At the Confucius Institute in Qufu, the hometown of Confucius and Mencius in China, yeyon held the ninth anniversary celebration and group building activities.

Nine years of development            

Nine years of history            

Ye Yangren uses hard work and sweat            

Holding up a blue sky of our own            

This is a festival for yeyang people           

 It's also a festival for all ye Yang's friends            


yeyon is nine years old!

Before celebrations

All yeyon people gathered in Qufu Confucius Institute of culture and held a group building activity in the Institute.


National flag splicing

We will depict the Analects            

And made a mosaic of giant paintings            

The first one is the five-star red flag            

One scroll for each person            

Align Pentagram            

The splicer can't see the above            

It's very difficult to splice            

But it's because of this difficulty            

Every yeyon man has high morale            

Put the national flag in order            

In addition to honoring our great motherland            

It also represents the unity and tacit understanding between each of our yeyang people



 YEYON for nine years            

Bring the best sunshine room to customers           

 It is yeyon's long cherished wish            

Satisfy every customer           

 All yeyon man cooperation is indispensable


Leggings race

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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