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What details do we need to pay attention to in the design of villa sunshine house?

Now many people like to build a sunshine room at home. We can watch videos, listen to music, chat and learn in the sunshine room. The villa sunshine room is designed to absorb sunshine and enjoy nature. However, due to the particularity of sunshine room, we must pay attention to details in the initial decoration. What is the price of sunshine room? What details do we need to pay attention to when building a sunshine room?

Most sunshine houses are built outdoors, so the following aspects should be paid attention to in the construction process: first, avoid direct sunlight and do not expose to the sun; Secondly, prevent rain and ensure that the design will not leak; The third is the sunshine room. Material selection, such as glass, steel structure, etc;

1、 Sunscreen

Most of the sunshine room pillars of the owner are the "penetration" of the solarium and "warm winter and cool summer". Villa sunshine room design due to the special structure of sunshine room, all sides are transparent in winter or summer. Daylighting, but if you don't shave, it will be more painful in summer, sunny and the indoor temperature can't stop. However, you can choose to use the honeycomb curtain to cover the honeycomb, and the honeycomb can be installed in the double-layer glass or Low-E glass electric screen. Achieve sunscreen.

2、 Waterproof design

The waterproof work of the sunshine room must be foolproof. The glass between the glass and the external wall shall be sealed with sealant. If the wall has insulation, the insulation needs to be removed first. It has been treated with sealant and needs regular observation and maintenance for future use.

3、 Facade material

The selection of exterior wall materials of sunshine house can not be ignored. The outer wall material can be hollow glass or tempered hollow glass. Villa sunshine room design high-end people can choose aluminum alloy profile electric control dimming glass as the frame of the solarium.

4、 Top material

Is the material used for the roof of the sunshine room good or bad. If toughened glass is selected, although better lighting performance can be achieved, villa sunshine room design, its thermal insulation and thermal insulation performance are very poor. The colored steel roof has good insulation, but it is single and opaque. However, the aluminum alloy profile with broken bridge and double-layer laminated glass not only has good air permeability, but also has good heat insulation effect, which can ensure safety performance. However, the biggest disadvantage is that the price is slightly expensive, but it is recommended to use if the decoration budget is sufficient. Select broken aluminum profile and double laminated glass.

5、 Heat insulation and cooling

Since most sunlight rooms are made of glass and metal alloy frames, if you want better insulation and cooling in the solarium, you can choose to place glass film on the top glass of the solarium or sunlight on the solarium. In the sun. In the sun. The glass around the room is coated with glass thermal insulation material, so it has special optical characteristics, which can easily reflect most of the solar radiation back to the atmosphere, so as to achieve the thermal insulation and cooling effect of the sunshine room.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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