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How to design high-grade villa sunshine room?

On the day of rest at home, we open the doors and windows in the morning and take a deep breath to feel the smell of sunshine. Suppose we install a sunshine room at home, and the sunshine room of high-end villa can feel the embrace of sunshine more. So how to plan the demand for sunshine room? What should be paid attention to in order to plan the device more comfortable?

The planning of sunshine house is the actual planning based on its completed function and practicability. People choose sunshine house to create a comfortable environment. The planning of sunshine house should make full use of natural wind to achieve the purpose of air circulation and cooling. Therefore, careful and thoughtful planning is required in selecting the location of the sun room and the method of opening the window sash. In order to improve the ventilation, heat insulation, noise reduction and other functions of the sunshine room, the following methods can be completed:

Skylight system

Open a skylight on the roof of the sun house. There are two methods: manual and electric remote control. The fully active skylight can be equipped with wind rain sensing and sunlight tracking system. The sunshine room of high-grade villa actively controls the opening of skylight according to climate conditions and indoor temperature.

Shading system

In order to minimize the heat entering the sunshine room in summer, the sunshine room of high-grade villa can be equipped with a shading system on the top of the sunshine room, and there are also two options: manual and electric remote control.

Intelligent ventilation system

Through the ventilation system with constant temperature and humidity function, the temperature and humidity of the sunshine room can be actively adjusted.

Based on the understanding of art, the rooftop sunshine room built by modern technology seems to be a shining private space, and a good space is brewing under the glass dome of the sunshine room of high-end villa. So how can such glass room buildings improve the privacy coefficient? Can be completed with scientific interpretation. After being satisfied with people's fantasy of beauty and the use of light, the rooftop sunshine room must also start from the aspect of respecting privacy. In this regard, we can do this: aluminum alloy wallboards are added in the rooftop sunshine room to greatly improve the situation of the rooftop sunshine room, so that the wonderful combination of glass and metal materials can meet people's requirements for beauty The quest for privacy.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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