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What are the technical suggestions for the construction of villa sunshine house?

Current villa owners are used to attaching a two-story terrace to build a sun room. How to build a double deck terrace villa? The sunshine room can unify the surrounding buildings. Can you add aesthetics to the original building? Looking at the sunshine network and these successful villa sunshine house cases, you can also renovate this.

First of all, the two-story stairs of the villa are best constructed in the same color as the materials to be constructed, and the shapes of the two sun chambers are unified. If the color of the original villa is a warm color, you can choose to spray dark brown, dark red or some imitation wood colors as sunshine profiles.

If the architectural color of the original villa is tone, the shape color of the sunshine shape can be used with dark green, dark blue and its ice color.

The top shape of the sunshine room of the two terrace villas may be different, but the sunshine room designer of the conventional sunshine room company is a reasonable design.

The top shape of terrace villa sunshine room can be selected, but the top of abnormal shape is the complexity of decoration technical requirements, which requires a conventional sun room company and qualified construction team for decoration.

Owners who build flat roofs or bends must do drainage to ensure aesthetics and rationality of shadow, ventilation and drainage.

In fact, whether for villas or ordinary residential buildings, we will expand the terrace, just to better enjoy life, and then when the terrace, the sun room and sunshine shed, should we choose the most appropriate? Let's have a look.

There is a problem. In front, many people are worried that the villa sunshine house is illegally set up and afraid of reporting, and the sunshine shed will not involve illegal buildings, so most of them will choose the sunset, so we will see in many villas and garden buildings. The sun shed is built on the terrace and will not stop the rain. It should be better to choose the sun house.

The sun is around, and the ordinary pavilion has no doors and windows. Although it can require the pavilion to add windows, the cost is higher than that of the sun room. Such a sunshine room can use any weather, whether it is wind and snow, cold and cool, or mosquitoes. The sunshine is comfortable and comfortable. It is complacent. The pavilion is almost completely exposed outdoors with limited restrictions.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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