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Welcome to yeyon Sunshine Room Official Website | 400-656-9886
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Shandong sunshine house manufacturer: how can the design of sunshine house be reasonable?

It is the wish of many people to have a sunny room and be alone with the sunshine. This is a very popular family life now, and it is more and more sought after by fashion seekers. It is not necessary to make a sunshine room in a villa. Shandong sunshine room manufacturer can make a sunshine room on the balcony of the building, bathe in the sun during the day, look up at the stars at night, enjoy the moon with wine, read a good book with a faint smell of coffee... Feel life and seek peace.

When we choose the sunshine house, most friends only pay attention to the beauty of the sunshine house and ignore the selection and planning of the doors and windows of the sunshine house. Shandong sunshine house manufacturers should pay great attention to the selection of the performance of the doors and windows. Due to the large bearing capacity of the sunshine room, its frame is different from the ordinary sliding door. High grade aluminum alloy and steel are selected to increase the wall thickness and width to make the support stronger. The doors and windows are made of double-layer insulating glass, while the roof is made of tempered glass. Special anti-collision strips and special sealing strips are sandwiched in the glass and metal frame to prevent rain and snow.

Choosing a professional sunshine room system can complete almost all possible planning schemes on daylighting and planning. When the maximum roof inclination is 45o, Shandong sunshine house manufacturers choose various exquisite open windows according to the selected different roof shapes. The open window is installed on the roof of the sunshine room, which has both decorative and functional requirements. The roof window has become the highlight of the building. The key points emphasize the openness of the building, complete the maximum daylighting, prevent the formation of thermal resistance, and complete sufficient ventilation.

When planning the sunshine house, pay attention to the setting of the drainage system, especially the drainage system of the pool. The pool area should not be too large, otherwise it will damage the safety of the building. The materials selected for the wall of sunshine room by Shandong sunshine room manufacturer are best coordinated with the ground. Sunshine room planning should pay attention to ventilation.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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