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How to calculate the customized price of high-end sunshine house?

The sun room is usually changed from balcony or rooftop, and some villas are covered outdoors. The space is not big, but the ordinary glass windows are very big and the light is very good. In the decoration of high-end sunshine room, the most common thing is to accept natural materials and match comfortable furniture, so that the scenery inside and outside of the room is natural. The common configuration is teahouse, small action room and play area, creating a more comfortable and romantic leisure space. The sunshine room is mainly close to the sunshine, which continues the space inside and outside the room, so it should not only be naturally harmonious with the outdoor space, but also be consistent with the overall style of the room, so as to achieve the benefits of transition.

Before building a sunny house, the initiating users must first consider its important functions, such as: leisure appreciation, fitness, customized price of high-end sunny house, chess and card entertainment, flower cultivation, reception, reading, and so on. Different roles, the planning requirements of the sunshine house are different, so we should communicate with the sunshine house planner before construction.

Open a skylight on the roof of a sunny house. It is divided into manual and electric remote control methods. Full active skylight can build wind and rain feeling and sun tracking system. The customized price of high-end sunshine room depends on the weather premise and the rugged indoor temperature, and actively controls the opening of skylight.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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