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How to build a sunshine house

First of all, you need to consider what the sun room is used for, whether it is used to raise flowers and plants, or to make a leisure room or functional space.

Now I'd like to talk about a few points for attention

1. The structure of sunshine room

The theme structure of the sunshine room is very important, which is the biggest support of bearing capacity, so we should first consider this problem when building, and we can't transform it without permission, otherwise it will bring security risks.

2. Material selection

Since it's called sunshine room, it can't do without sunshine. Therefore, it is recommended to use glass as the main structural material. After all, the permeability of glass is the highest, but when choosing, we should also pay attention to heat insulation, sound insulation, explosion-proof and so on.

Of course, it is also inseparable from the supporting column and structural frame. The materials are selected according to the style of the glass house, such as steel frame, alloy, or waterproof solid wood.

3. Heat insulation of sunshine room

In summer, if the sun room is not insulated, the temperature will be very high, like in the sauna, so it is necessary to do heat insulation.

You can choose to stick insulation film on the glass or lay high-density rubber plastic aluminum foil insulation board on the top (according to the design style). But if it is a fully transparent design, it will affect the transparency or beauty. Double curtain is recommended. Air conditioning is essential.

Safe and stable, lighting, ventilation, heat insulation. These points must be considered in the construction design. As for style, it depends on personal aesthetics and needs.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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