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Welcome to yeyon Sunshine Room Official Website | 400-656-9886
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How much is the sunshine room? Different structure, material and glass will determine the price

How much is the sunshine room? The use of a separate solar house is very clear. There are two common uses: planting green plants and protecting swimming pools. The solar house is empty for four weeks and has no physical building facilities. It has high requirements for steel structure, material, glass, etc.

High tech sunshine room is different from the previous canopy, it can be sultry in the sun. This kind of sunshine room has its own intelligent ventilation system, automatic light source system and electric mute slide rail, which can easily adjust the ventilation angle, light source brightness and opening and closing direction of the room, so that people sitting in the sunshine room can be at any angle. Enjoy the sunshine and feel the breeze.

For owners who like green plants, it is a good choice to add green plants to the sunshine room. The decoration of this sunshine room is to add elements of green plants. The white window frame outlines the beautiful curve of the whole sunshine room. In addition to the transparent hollow shape above the head, there are plenty of light and green plants in the sunshine room. It adds a lot of beauty.

How much is the sunshine room? The tasteful people will let the color of the room move freely between the cold and warm, and the style can be switched between the modern and the garden. The terrace and the sun room decoration can achieve this goal, creating a leisurely content. The combination of emotion and plants expresses strong cultural sustenance.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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