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How to design the sunshine room?

The sunlight room wants to be designed to look good, in my opinion, needs to be combined with its use function.

1. The sunshine room is used as a leisure area

As a leisure area, sunshine room is the most important purpose for many people to set up sunshine room. They can get together with three or five friends, drink tea and chat, or "carry" comfortable leisure chairs and quietly "hide" here, enjoying their own unique time, basking in the sun, watching the rain drops, listening to the sound of snowflakes falling

As the sunshine room used in the leisure area, the use of outdoor floor or sauna board on the ground will make the space have a good leisure style, while the leisure sofa as the absolute "protagonist" of the space, the "good-looking" style will add a lot of color to the space.


2. Sunshine room is used as dining room

The sunshine room, which is used as a restaurant, adds delicious food to the nature. It puts a pot of flowers on the dining table. When guests visit, they can also use their own plants to decorate the environment, breathe fresh air, and hold a small party in the lush and lush environment. It also has a different scenery.

As a dining room, when it is connected with the family interior, its design style, material use and furniture selection are consistent with the interior, which can well expand the indoor space to the sunshine room. For example, in the following figure, the glass partition is used to expand the sunlight room. When the actual space is expanded, the permeability of the glass partition on the top and side wall makes the indoor and outdoor integrated, and the visual space feeling is far greater than the actual space.

3. Sunshine room is used as office area

Every day in the office which is surrounded by walls, you can concentrate on your work and give up a lot of time to enjoy the beautiful scenery. If you use the sunshine room as an office, you may as well look up at the outdoor scenery or move the chair out for a short rest. The work pressure will be reduced a lot, and the fresh air will be refreshing.

Sunshine room as an office area to use, the same to clean, neat, floor tiles or floors, there is a wall position using white latex paint, it is very suitable.


4. Sunshine room is used as bedroom

As a bedroom sunshine room, the most exciting point is to see the stars. Turn off the lights at night and lie on the bed. The stars all over the sky are the "auxiliary light", and the bright moonlight is the "main light". In this way, a better day is over and a better day will begin!

I think the bedroom design of sunshine room can be treated according to the conventional bedroom design, and the decoration design of wall, floor and top surface can use the decoration materials suitable for indoor use. The floor on the ground matches the sky at the top, making the bedroom comfortable and leisure.

5. Sunlight room is used as other space

If the space of sunshine room is not large enough, the function of sunshine room can be planned and used together with other indoor space, such as study, children's recreation area, reading corner, tea tasting area, reception room, etc., so as to reduce the pressure of indoor space and reserve more space for other planning and use; the sunshine room also has one of the most practical functions, as a drying room, drying clothes, quilts Very convenient!

Tips: 1. The roof of the sunshine room should be made into inclined plane as far as possible, so that there will be no ponding and the phenomenon of falling ash will be reduced.

(2) the heat and sun exposure in summer are fatal defects for the sunshine room. You can install sun blinds, or stick heat insulation film on the top. There is also a very "folk" method, laying bamboo mats on the top, which is said to have a good effect. The most direct and crude solution is that the air conditioner is large enough.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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