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How to install a 6㎡ sunlight room? Ye Yang designer's advice!

When we talk about the sunshine room, we usually think of a large glass house. Of course, this kind of sunshine room will be more beautiful. But in fact, we can do it in every family. Xiaobian has made our courtyard a sunny roof, which is very comfortable in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

There is no need to worry about the small courtyard family, in fact, most people's balcony is actually wasted! They ignore the place closest to nature and the most imaginative space in the whole room. From the perspective of life sentiment, we don't think about the reality. The reality is that you should live more comfortably. So Xiaobei will teach you how to make the balcony into a most beautiful sunshine room.


Necessary conditions for balcony to be sunshine room:

1. Balcony package

This is the first point. Only when the balcony is closed, can we realize more functions and become the room in our mouth. The most used material for balcony encapsulation is plastic steel window.

Plastic steel window: (advantages) it has good sound insulation, heat insulation, fire resistance, air tightness, water tightness, corrosion resistance, heat preservation, etc. (disadvantages) after all, it is a PVC plastic profile. After a long time, the surface will turn yellow and the window will be deformed, so the service life is 20-30 years.

2. Waterproof

No matter inside balcony or outside balcony, the most important thing is waterproof. Southern cities have more rain every year, and balcony window waterproof is not good. In plum rain season, balcony water seepage is very possible. Therefore, we should pay attention to the quality of balcony window. After the frame and window are installed, we should also ensure the sealing of the gap. Some people will reverse the inside and outside of the waterproof frame, which needs attention. Balcony and sitting room still had better ensure two or three centimeter height difference, so that even if balcony has water also can't flow to sitting room.

3. Decorative materials

If in the decoration, involving the windowsill board, you can choose stone, stone is more waterproof than wood, long-term sunlight radiation will not rot and crack. Balcony had better choose waterproof, not easy to deformation of furniture, wood furniture simple, close to nature; metal furniture can withstand outdoor wind and rain, and modern, simple style, is a good choice.

4. Ventilation system

Combined with different functions of the sunshine room, we should pay attention to the setting of the ventilation system, especially those who like to grow green plants and flowers. The design of the sunshine room must have doors and windows for ventilation.


What kind of sunshine room do you want?

1. Fresh tea room

People who are keen on tea ceremony have a special space for tasting tea and discussing Taoism. It is self-evident that the balcony can be transformed into a tea room to meet this wish. With exquisite bonsai and exquisite tea tasting props, the tatami with wood fragrance immediately becomes the best place to enjoy sunlight and relax.

2. Elegant study

Common two bedroom, it is difficult to configure the study, at this time you can use the balcony, design an elegant and quiet study, in the sunny afternoon, a cup of coffee, a novel, quietly feel the quietly passing of time. For the busy city people who are busy all day, such an afternoon can be regarded as a kind of beautiful enjoyment.

3. In the reception room, three or two single sofas or wooden chairs are placed on the balcony, with exquisite square tea table, and then decorated with a few delicate green plants, the simple layout will constitute a mini reception room in the home. At the same time, we can enjoy the natural sunshine, breathe the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window. 4. Micro garden the fast-paced urban life makes it difficult for people to take time out for a outing in the countryside. Ingeniously arranging green plants on the balcony can create a miniature garden in your own home. On the balcony is installed with shelves, and all kinds of potted flowers and trees are arranged at random, so that the whole balcony is covered with green leaves and flowers below. It is full of vitality, and people can enjoy the fun of nature without leaving home. Divided into North and South balconies, North plant shade, South plant like Yang. 5. Western kitchen and western kitchen do not involve open fire, so it can also be realized in the larger balcony. Every morning, we eat breakfast and drink coffee in the breeze, which is undoubtedly a great pleasure for life. If you want a comfortable and high-quality home, you need to improve your standard of life taste. The design can't have its own table and vassal style, but combine the reality with your life habits. 6. Taiwan bar life is enough tired, that must find a place to relax the soul, perhaps it is not so big, not so amazing, but it has you enough, love quiet love house people must. Have a glass of red wine for your life. 7. Yoga room worry about weight control, worry about Sub-health, then you can use the balcony of your home to design a yoga room, when you are free, you can exercise and practice yoga, which is conducive to physical and mental health. Other considerations: renovation cost: if the balcony is designed successfully, the design cost should be considered. After the feasible scheme of balcony is clear, the reasonable cost should be included. As far as Xiaobei knows, the cost is not low. Decorative details: according to different functions to decorate the sunshine room, but not too complex, try not to do the ceiling, false beam, grape trellis ceiling, although it looks good, but will cause balcony oppression. Area size: single from the transformation into balcony room, the larger the area is, the more appropriate, 6 flat upward is more appropriate, the overall effect will be much better. Reasonable layout: the sunlight's daylighting is very good, in the design time should not weaken its superiority, should maintain its good light characteristic, close to the window position, if you want to design the cabinet body, the best is the low cabinet. Do not put too much furniture products, looking at the United States

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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