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Why some sunshine room "warm in winter and cool in summer", but not your sunshine room?

Sunlight room can be divided into three grades according to material selection, design and modeling, and construction team: economic grade, medium grade and high grade. High grade sunshine room can not only achieve real warm winter and cool summer, constant temperature protection, but also give owners different leisure and entertainment life experience. Why can't most of the sunshine rooms be "warm in winter and cool in summer"?


The broken bridge aluminum material is used in the sunlight room to achieve the function of energy saving and heat preservation. The aluminum profile of bridge breaking is used around the window frame, and the heat insulation strip in the middle of the broken bridge aluminum has the function of heat insulation and heat preservation. In addition, the edge of the window frame should be closely fitted with the glass, so as to block the external heat flow and prevent the loss of internal temperature, so as to achieve the effect of energy saving.

The sound insulation effect of the high-grade sunlight room is strong: the sunlight room does not have the very thick closed wall like the reinforced concrete building. So it is not easy to achieve strong sound insulation effect. Choose the insulating glass with good quality and in line with the process. Its sound insulation effect is many times stronger than ordinary glass. The aluminum material with small transmission and strict sealing is selected around the window frame, so as to achieve effective sound insulation and not be disturbed by external noise.

The drainage system of the high-grade sunlight room is perfect: because the sunlight room is installed outdoors, it will be exposed to the sun and rain. How to waterproof the sunlight room has become a problem of concern to the owners. The high-grade sunlight room has its own comprehensive and perfect drainage system. After the rain, the accumulated water will be discharged in time through the drainage device, which will not cause leakage accidents.

The high-grade sunlight room is clean, convenient and fast: the appearance of the sunlight room is very beautiful, but with a long time, the glass on the top surface accumulates dust, which makes the sunlight room no longer transparent. Some owners may think that the sunlight room is very difficult to clean. In fact, if they clean it by themselves, they can use water pipes to wash or open more skylights, or install intelligent cleaning devices on the roof of the sunlight house. It's not hard to make the sunshine room look new.

If you want to enjoy the comfortable experience brought by the high-grade sunshine room, we suggest that you choose the regular sunshine room company for reasonable design and construction, which can not only ensure the beautiful appearance, but also bring warm enjoyment, and also ensure the use quality of the sunshine room.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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