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Research group of CPPCC Provincial Committee to Weiqiao aluminum deep processing industrial park to investigate new kinetic energy model of high quality development

On June 5, the research group of CPPCC Provincial Committee and their delegation visited Weiqiao aluminum deep processing industrial park to investigate the typical new driving force of high-quality development. Wang Xin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee and director of the United Front work, accompanied the investigation.


The research team listened to the introduction of Weiqiao aluminum deep processing Industrial Park, and went to Shandong Muyi sunshine door and window Technology Co., Ltd. to have a field inspection, to have a detailed understanding of the production and sales of the enterprise, to carefully listen to the experience and practice of the enterprise in transformation and upgrading, market development, intelligent manufacturing and other aspects, and to further explore the path and method of cultivating new momentum of high-quality development.


The research team suggested that we should drive development with innovation and build a strong support for upgrading the industrial structure level of our province; further clarify the schedule and roadmap for the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and seize the time window for the transformation of China's economy from a high growth stage to a high-quality development stage; accelerate the activation of new kinetic energy for market opening, and accelerate the creation of an inland open highland by improving the construction of market system and mechanism It is necessary to excavate the power source of human resources in an unconventional way and speed up the transformation process of new and old kinetic energy in our province.

Ma long, Secretary of the Party committee of the town, and Duan Zhenqiang, deputy secretary of the Party committee, accompanied the investigation.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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