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How to choose a sunshine room? Here comes the best dry goods!

With the increase of users of sunshine room, the materials of sunshine room are also diversified. A very beautiful, fashionable and high-grade sunshine room can be built on its own terrace or on a small and medium-sized balcony window. However, most of my friends don't know how to choose and what kind of sunshine room materials are the most suitable for the construction of sunshine room,


? first of all, let's take a look at the main structural materials of the sunlight room. The main structure of the sunshine room is the vitality of the sunshine room, which bears the greatest strength support. Therefore, the main structural materials can not be ignored. Generally speaking, the main structure of sunlight room should choose square steel as the main bearing material. For small and medium-sized sunlight rooms, the basic columns around are necessary. In addition, the beams and stringers supporting color steel plates or toughened glass on the top are combined into a network structure. Such sunlight room materials are very solid and safe.


? then, let's talk about the panel material of the sunlight room, that is, the top material of the sunlight room. Since it is a sunlight room, the transparent materials used for the panel materials are more in line with the use requirements of the sunlight room. Among the existing materials, the most transparent is glass, followed by polycarbonate plate, which has better impact resistance and heat preservation performance than glass, but it will turn yellow with the passage of time. If the glass is used as the top material of the sunlight room, it is better to use laminated glass (safety considerations), and the laminated glass can be made into double toughened or one piece toughened on the top, so that the strength of the glass is better. Of course, you can also use the sun board to cover the roof. The transparency of the sun board is second only to that of the glass. Its weight is light, and it does not need to consider the bearing capacity of the top of the sun room. The disadvantage is that the sun board is easy to damage and age. If the light transmission at the top is not fully considered, the color steel plate can also be selected as the top material of the sunlight room. Color steel plate, also known as thermal insulation color steel plate, consists of two layers of iron sheet, and the tundish has a certain thickness of thermal insulation material. Generally, the top is made of impact resistant color steel plate with corrugation, which has good compression resistance. The sunlight room covered with color steel plate has no problem for several people to walk on the top.


Finally, the materials around can be plastic steel door and window profiles, bridge cutoff aluminum door and window profiles or color steel wall panels. The surrounding glass can be ordinary, with plastic steel profiles or bridge cutoff aluminum profiles as the skeleton. If the span is more than 3 meters, steel pipes can be added appropriately as column support, and fluorocarbon paint can be sprayed on the surface. The structural stability is better than that of aluminum alloy. Be sure to remember: open windows that allow the outside air to flow through the sunlight room, and let the inside air change.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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