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After the wind and rain, spring blossoms - yeyon health ecosystem.

Yeyang sunshine room transports the forest to the sunshine room to achieve forest level ecological air environment.

In the yeyang ecosystem, the small particle size anion produced by the anion generator forms an active small anion space with the metal grid of the sunlight room, which takes PM2.5 away from the air and plays the role of clean air; the small particle size anion produced by the anion generator can easily pass through the blood-brain barrier of the human body and play the role of efficient medical and health care of the human body spectrum.

Yeyang ecological machine can absorb and isolate the polluted air in the space and circulate it into clean air. It can achieve air circulation within one hour, with small particle size and large negative ion density, forming indoor natural oxygen bar.

It can purify the air, reduce the pollution, make the breath smooth and energetic, and achieve the effect of sobering people.

Fendoxin enters the body through the respiratory circulation of human body to achieve the balance of body and mind.


Physiologically, in addition to the first disease and insect protection, it can also help the respiratory system directly, because it can reduce the dust in the air, make your respiratory system free of burden, and indirectly can also help the circulatory system and endocrine system (your own defense system) There is considerable assistance.

Psychologically, the odor of fenduojing also represents the connection with nature. People who have lived in the city for a long time come to the country forest and take a deep breath, they will feel fresher and full of energy, so they will improve their spirit and mood, especially their depression.

Yeyang ecosystem combines nature and space perfectly to achieve the natural air and natural oxygen bar in personal space, which is beneficial to the body and mind, and has a good role in helping the health of the elderly and children.


address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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