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Like the sun room, but don't know how to choose?

How to cool the sun room is generally important in the following two points.

1. Sun room ventilation is important.

The sun room is equipped with skylights. Like the sun roof of a car, the sun room needs to open the window to cooperate with ventilation to achieve the effect of air convection to dissipate heat. If the sunroof is only opened, the effect of air convection cannot be achieved, and the indoor heat cannot be dissipated naturally.




2.Materials are important

The most important thing for a sun room is the choice of glass. The thicker the glass, the better the heat insulation. It is best to choose toughened insulating glass, because insulating glass can not only be soundproof, but also play a role in heat insulation.

Choosing the right room

Many people dream of having a sunny room of their own. They were full of enthusiasm before the construction, and regretted it after completion. The design of the sun room should also suit itself, so how to choose the right sun room?


(A) determine the function of the sun room

1. If the sun room is used to raise flowers and grass, then two issues of ventilation and lighting should be paid attention to when constructing the sun room.

2. If the sun room is used for functional spaces such as the living room, dining room, study, and activity area, then heat insulation must be two important issues. The glass of the sun room must use the above-mentioned tempered hollow glass, and then With other heat insulation methods, it can meet the requirements of blocking sunlight and heat insulation in summer.

二 (2) How to insulate, shade and protect the sun room.

In summer, friends who have a sun room are afraid of sun exposure. The temperature in the sun room is too high to treat people. This is also a headache for many friends who want to install a sun room, so today I will introduce several solutions.

1.Sun shade sun insulation

Sunshade is the most common method of sunshade insulation. A sunroom sunshade or metal roller shutter is set up outside the window, which can not only block ultraviolet and radiant heat, but also adjust the light and effectively reduce the indoor temperature.

2. Sunroof ventilation and cooling

As mentioned at the beginning, a sunroof is installed on the top of the sun room, which is used in conjunction with the windows to convect the air and expel the hot air out of the room.

3. Install the spray book system to cool down

Installing a water spray system in a sun room can not only take away a lot of heat and achieve a cooling effect, but also clean the sun room, killing two birds with one stone.

4.Select insulation materials

The use of a heat-shielded broken bridge aluminum profile production frame and hollow tempered glass can effectively block outdoor high temperature intrusion and block ultraviolet rays and radiation.

5. The last type is to install air conditioners, which of course need to be used in conjunction with the above methods, which will save energy and protect the environment.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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