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What kind of materials are better for making sunshine room? Let's see the big competition among the three sunshine room materials

The main structure of the sunlight room needs to bear a very large force support, so the main structural materials can not be ignored. In addition to aluminum alloy, glass is also indispensable for sunlight room. Then, what is the sunshine room and what are its materials.


What is sunshine room

The sunlight room is made of glass and metal frame. Because it is a transparent building, it has a unique heat preservation effect and is very warm. The sunlight room made of new aluminum wood composite materials has the effect of heat preservation in winter, which is very warm and can create a warm, romantic and beautiful indoor environment.

What are the materials of sunshine room

1. Glass top sunlight room

The frame of sunshine room is welded with high-strength carbon steel, which has strong structure and will never rust. The top surface of the sun house is toughened glass. Through heat treatment process, the glass can have good mechanical properties, even if the glass is broken, it will not hurt people.


2. Color steel roof sunlight room

Generally, color steel materials are used in large sunlight rooms, which are relatively expensive. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, some people will choose steel aluminum composite materials. Steel can be used as the main structure to meet the strength problem, and aluminum as the surface decoration, which makes sunlight rooms durable and more beautiful.


3. Deguowading sunshine room

The sun room of de Gaowa consists of five floors, the first floor is de Gaowa, the second floor is waterproof layer, the third floor is cement board, the fourth floor is big core board, and the fifth floor is sauna board; the four sides of this sun room are made of plastic steel, broken bridge aluminum, glass curtain wall and other materials.

4. Broken bridge aluminum sunshine room

The sunlight room made of this material takes advantage of the hollow advantages of aluminum profile, and runs the line from the hollow position of aluminum profile, so that the external sunshade system, electric skylight and various sensors are integrated, and then automatically opens and closes according to the changes of the internal and external environment of the sunlight room, so as to realize the real intelligent control of the sunlight room.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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