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The empty terrace is sealed, and the sunshine room is going to be capped.

The empty terrace is sealed with a glass top. You can see the vast stars and the splashes of rain. Maybe it's obsessive-compulsive disorder. I feel confused. I like the feeling very much though. A house, all around the top is glass, it seems that the privacy exposure at a glance, is actually a perfect enjoyment.


Maybe the glass top of the balcony sunlight room you installed is too hot and too sun dried, otherwise it will not be said so, which is the most likely reason you regret. Here we have to talk about some precautions for the construction of the sun room. If you need to make a terrace, you can collect it if you want to use a glass roof.


There are so many glass roofs in the sun room that I know most of them. Because the glass roof is a new attempt from the aspect of expression. Even in cloudy days, the light in the house is abundant enough, which is from the aspect of daylighting. In addition, the glass roof is equivalent to the panoramic skylight of the car, which can expand our field of vision from 180 degrees to 720 degrees, which is the field of vision. Finally, the beauty is self-evident, no longer to say.3.jpg

In terms of performance, the thermal insulation performance of the glass top is not as good as that of the tegowa. However, adding some auxiliary intelligent sun shading devices, the effect is obvious, and it will not be too hot or too sun. It is recommended to install external sunshade products outside the glass roof, such as electric sunshade. If you think it's too troublesome, you can also choose the glass with better heat insulation performance. Generally, the low glass, plus the heat insulation film, has a good effect. In addition, we can see a kind of discolored glass at an exhibition. We can set the light intensity according to the bearing degree of our skin, and the glass will become opaque and have a strong shading effect.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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