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The second special training camp for designers of yeyon sunshine house was successfully concluded

October 12, 2019 - October 15, 2019.            

The second special training camp for designers of yeyon sunshine house was held in yeyon sunshine house of Weiqiao aluminum deep processing Industrial Park, Zouping city. Dealers from all over the country sent designers to attend for better service customers.            

This designer training camp provides a good learning environment for designers, and provides new courses for designers to better serve customers.

From course content to on-site teaching, the second designer training camp has more connotation!


In order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the motherland, YeYon held the second special training camp for designers. At the same time, he first invited the designers to participate in the flag raising culture that Yeyon has always had. All the designers showed a good mental outlook in the flag raising, and sang a song "China and our motherland" to celebrate our motherland's birthday!


At the beginning of the course, Li Baofei, the manager of yeyon personnel department, led the designers to visit the factory and visited the production line of the factory in detail. From production to processing and molding, every step has very strict production standards. Only when these standards are met, can the components of every Yangguang room be used. More than that, yeyon Yangguang room will be pre installed before leaving the factory Installation, to ensure the safety of products, so as to bring customers a safe and beautiful yeyang sunshine room.


Then, Mr. Xiong Shicai, chairman of yeyon, gave a lecture on the new product "Shenshan series sunshine room". The Shenshan series sunshine room focuses on simplicity and luxury. From the exterior to the interior, the Shenshan series sunshine room has made a breakthrough in reform. The original 120 profile, new sunshine room chassis system and bear holding column make the Shenshan series sunshine room safer, quieter and more energy-saving!


The brand story and 2025 plan of yeyon tell the ten-year journey of yeyon. It adheres to its ingenuity. It constantly conducts product research and development based on the concept of "benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust", integrates the five constant elements of Confucianism, and creates a sunshine house with Chinese characteristics, Chinese culture and human feelings!


Wang Yongjian, the channel manager of yeyang sunshine room, told "brand characteristics of yeyang", which fully let designers understand the ten-year development of yeyang, thus creating the unique brand characteristics of yeyon.            

Its three major characteristics: non splicing, non single, non typical.            

Four concepts: extreme scene, ingenious products, unique functions and aesthetic space.            

Four product lines:            

It focuses on modularization of space, and is designed and developed by famous designer Mr. Dai Kun            

Positioning high-end private custom-made, rich in Chinese traditional culture and beautiful implication of "Guoyun series"            "Shenshan series" featuring young groups and simple and light luxury            

Positioning cultural and creative products, according to the rural town with Chinese characteristics, and jointly developed with Shanqing Research Institute            

To provide consumers with a safer, more reliable, more human sunshine life!


This designer training camp continues to carry on the excellent courses of the last training camp, and on this basis, it has made greater improvement. Mr. Liu Tao's "sketch master's explanation" and "lumion's rendering explanation" Mr. Xiong Shicai's "sunshine room geomancy" and Mr. Xiong Shijin's "sunshine room technical specifications" of Ye Yang's general management department manager have become one of the major designers training camps Highlights, a few unique courses have become designers better tools to serve customers!

At the end of the course, Mr. Gao Lei, senior designer of yeyon, narrated the analysis of demand for sunshine room scheme. While designing sunshine room, the designer also needs to come up with a complete set of design scheme for the customer. Combined with all previous courses, attach any factors that need to be considered to it, so that each sunshine room becomes the most favorite second space for the customer!


The original intention of the second designer training camp is to let designers better serve customers. Every detail of the sunshine room plan comes from the problems that customers are worried about, and every problem needs to be solved by heart, so that every customer with sunshine room can have a free sky. What yeyon teaches designers is not only the improvement of skills, But we can use what we have learned to serve our customers!            

In the end, every designer passed the numerous examinations set by Ye Yang, thus            

Approval of graduation


address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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