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Ling Wen, Vice Governor of Shandong Province: Sunshine House, a new building, will become a trend in the future.

On July 4, Ling Wen, vice governor of Shandong Province, accompanied by Mayor Yu Xiangdong of Binzhou City and Mayor Ma Junquan of Zouping City, visited and guided Shandong Yeyang Door and Window Technology Co., Ltd.

Governor Lingwen's delegation went deep into the workshop line, and under the explanation of Yeyang staff, detailed understanding of Yeyang Sunshine Room "Luban lap" technical principles, green building data and application promotion.

Ling Wen, deputy governor of Shandong Province, said Ye Yang's 10 years of concentrating on the sunshine house had shocked people by forming three unique points: non-splicing (Lu Ban tenon-mortise overlap), non-singleness (120 shapes, 387 scenes), non-singleness (multi-cavity structure, bridging technology, independent research and development). Sunshine houses will greatly improve people's happiness index. Sunshine houses, as a new building, will become a trend in the future. Yeyang should continue to strengthen R&D and innovation, vigorously promote green buildings, and compose a new chapter of building energy conservation.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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