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When Photovoltaic Power Generation Meets Sunshine Room

Sunshine house is also called glass house. It is a non-traditional building built with glass and metal frames to enjoy the sunshine and get close to nature. Sunshine house is a kind of architecture which is highly praised by people who pursue nature and fashion at home and abroad. In winter, round tables, seats, cups of tea and newspapers are placed in the broad and bright sunshine room. About 35 friends enjoy the warm sunshine in winter together. They are relaxed and comfortable. But in summer, it's not so comfortable! Because there is no suitable shading measures, baking in the sun is like a small stove.

But if we install a layer of photovoltaic power generation equipment on the sunshine room, it will not only shield the sunshine, reduce the direct exposure of ultraviolet rays, but also provide daily electricity for our own homes. More importantly, it will not only use electricity without money, but also make money in the future.



Considering the transmittance of the sunshine room, the double glass transmittance components are mostly used on the roof of the users of the sunshine room to install. As a new type of building material, double glass module, namely double-sided glass crystal silicon solar cell module, has the advantages of beauty, controllable light transmission, energy saving and power generation. Not only can it beautify and take into account the transmittance of the sunshine room, but now the users of the sunshine room mostly use the double glass transmittance components for installation. As a new type of building material, double glass module, namely double-sided glass crystal silicon solar cell module, has the advantages of beauty, controllable light transmission, energy saving and power generation. It not only beautifies buildings, but also shelters them from the wind and rain. Mainly used in pavilions, sunshine rooms, glass roofs, glass curtain walls and so on. Because it involves the installation of photoelectric glass and building integration, the installation of double glass components requires more technicians, not only professional knowledge of photoelectric glass system design, but also a higher level of architectural design for designers. Buildings can also be sheltered from the wind and rain. Mainly used in pavilions, sunshine rooms, glass roofs, glass curtain walls and so on. Because it involves the installation of photoelectric glass and building integration, the installation of double glass components requires more technicians, not only professional knowledge of photoelectric glass system design, but also a higher level of architectural design for designers.

address:yeyon Sunshine Room, Weiqiao Aluminum Deep Processing Industrial Park, Zouping City, Shandong Province
Talian NUR:400-656-9886
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